Due to an increase in application volume and ongoing technical difficulties with the credential production equipment at the National Maritime Center (NMC), there are delays with the issuance of merchant mariner credentials (MMC). These technical issues do not affect the processing of mariner medical certificates or endorsements, only applications for MMCs. The NMC bulletin at the following link provides additional information on these delays.
The Coast Guard is working as quickly as possible to resolve these issues and we do not want these delays to burden the mariner’s ability to use their MMC. In an effort to prevent this, the following verification process is available in the interim. For mariners who will be serving on domestic voyages only, the mariner, marine employer, and Coast Guard may use the MMC application verification process to determine whether they have met the requirements to be issued an MMC with a specific endorsement. The authority of their MMC may be verified using the credential verification process (below). For MMC verification for any international voyages, contact NMC directly for priority printing of your MMC.
MMC APPLICATION VERIFICATION PROCESS: This step is to verify the mariner’s MMC application is currently in a status which indicates it has been approved and validated. These include the following: “Approved to Print, Printed, or Issued”. Complete the steps below:
- Go to the NMC website
- Click on “Check Your Application Status” on the left side navigation buttons or the top red banner or click this link
- Select Single Mariner Search in the bottom dropdown and then enter the mariners reference number and last name.
- Under the “Credential Status” section for the MMC, verify the “Credential State” is “Approved to Print, Printed, or Issued”. If the MMC is in any other status, then the MMC application is still In-Process and not yet Approved.
CREDENTIAL VERIFICATION PROCESS: This step is to verify the mariner currently holds the MMC and any associated endorsement required for shipboard employment.
- Go to the NMC website
- Click on “Credential Verification” in the center navigation buttons or click this link
- Select Single Mariner Search in the bottom dropdown and then enter the mariners reference number and last name.
- Once on this page, both the MMC and Medical Certificate issue and expiration dates can be validated. Ensure the credential issue and credential expiration dates reflect the newly issued credential, not the previous issuance. The new MMC information will not be displayed until it has moved to a “Printed or Issued” status. If this occurs, contact NMC for verification.
- To verify endorsements for the approved MMC, click on the hyperlink associated with the Credential Number.
If there is reason to believe the results of either search are inaccurate, you may contact the NMC Customer Service Center via Live Chat (scan the QR code to open the chat website or click on the “Live Chat” tab on the NMC website using the link above) or by calling 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662) for assistance.
MARINER RESPONSIBILITIES TO FACILITATE OPERATION UNDER MMC: The following items can be verified, printed, and provided by the mariner. The Coast Guard considers this as adequate proof that the mariner has a valid MMC until it is received by the mariner. Coast Guard personnel should not take enforcement action if the mariner is not in possession of a valid MMC but has the below documentation:
Original or Raise of Grade:
- MMC Application Status with an Approved to Print, Printed, or Issued status.
- MMC Credential Verification displaying MMC Issued and Expiration dates (if applicable) OR email verification from NMC.
- MMC Credential Verification displaying Credential Details with appropriate endorsements OR email verification from NMC.
- Previous MMC (if not original issuance).
Renewal ONLY:
- MMC Application Status with an Approved to Print, Printed, or Issued status.
- Previous MMC (if not original issuance).
This MSIB will be cancelled upon the determination by the NMC that the credential issuance timeline is back in alignment with their standard operating procedures.
This release has been issued for public information and notification purposes only.
MSIB 06-23
April 25, 2023