U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to the 7th Transportation Brigade (Expeditionary) and Sailors attached to the M/V Roy P. Benavidez assemble the Roll-On, Roll-Off Distribution Facility (RRDF), or floating pier, off the shore of Gaza in support of Operation Neptune Solace. The Benavidez, along with the USNS 1st Lt. Baldomero Lopez and the USNS Stockham have been assigned to the humanitarian aid mission. The temporary pier will assist the United States Agency for International Development in the delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, which will increase the quantity and flow of humanitarian aid, including food, water, medicine, and temporary shelters. The Benavidez is operated for the United States Maritime Administration by Ocean Duchess Inc. as part of the Ready Reserve Force and is manned in all licensed positions by AMO.
American Maritime Officers members aboard the USNS 1st Lt. Baldomero Lopez in May, here in the Gaza region, included Second Mate Matt McNulty, Third mates Hunter Jacques and Bartolome Romero, Electronics Officer Ricky Reidl, Captain John Waters, Chief Mate Felix Somorostro and Cargo Mate Jose Villalobos. The USNS Lopez is operated for Military Sealift Command by Crowley Government Services and is manned in all licensed positions by AMO.
AMO members aboard the USNS Lopez in May included First Assistant Engineer Mark Ciciulla, Deck First A.E. Aris Aquino, Chief Engineer Rick Powers, Third A.E. Jon Cline, ETO Ricky Reidl and Second A.E. Al Norris.
When complete, the floating pier will connect to the mainland, allow trucks and other vehicles to distribute humanitarian aid to the residents of the region.