American Maritime Officers members aboard the SS Wright, here in Norfolk in May, included Chief engineer Ryan Neathery, Chief Mate James Gill, First Assistant Engineer Peter Gold, Second A.E. Philander Walton and Third Mate Lucan Shanahan. The SS Wright serves in the Ready Reserve Force fleet is operated by Crowley Liner Services Inc. for the U.S. Maritime Administration.
AMO members aboard the Cape Sable in May included Third A.E. Antuan Barnes, Second A.E. Grey Wilson, First A.E. Mike Powers, Third Mate Terry Franklin and Chief Engineer Gerald Atkins. The Cape Sable is one of the first vessels purchased under the Vessel Acquisition Manager’s program to recapitalize the Ready Reserve Force fleet. It is operated by Crowley Liner Services Inc. for the U.S. Maritime Administration.
AMO members aboard the Cape San Juan in May included Captain Chris Sharik, First A.E. Mike Vida, Chief Engineer Brad Neathery and Third Mate Andreas Adam.
The Cape Sable is docked in Norfolk alongside the Cape San Juan (in the background) in May.