Members Approve Amendments to AMO National Constitution in Union-Wide Referendum

In a 30-day online referendum conducted by TrueBallot, members of American Maritime Officers approved amendments to the AMO National Constitution. The results of the balloting were:

Final Tally of Eligible Votes:

* Total eligible voters: 2236 (only AMO members in good standing at the conclusion of the referendum September 30)

* 832 eligible online votes cast

* 545 eligible votes (YES/Approve)

* 287 eligible votes (NO/Reject)

* 37.21 percent of eligible AMO members voted

* 135 ineligible votes

Because 135 votes were ineligible to be included in the final tally (cast by members not in good standing), the balloting totals (regardless of eligibility) for this online referendum are included below for informational purposes only.

* Total voters provided balloting access: 3243 (members/applicants regardless of standing)

* 967 online votes cast

* 624 votes (YES/Approve)

* 343 votes (NO/Reject)

The TrueBallot online balloting page included a complete document of proposed amendments to the AMO National Constitution, with proposed changes clearly marked in red and green type, as well as a second document with proposed changes clearly marked in red strikethrough and bold green type. Supplemental copies of the proposed amendments as described above were also provided on the AMO website, with links and balloting reminders sent by email and posted online throughout the referendum.

A copy of the AMO National Constitution as amended in accordance with this referendum will be printed in the next edition of the AMO newspaper and posted on the AMO website in the near future.

Thank you to all AMO members who participated in this process.