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The bipartisan, bicameral bill will fuel U.S. economy, strengthen national security by responding to China’s threat over the oceans

Currently, the number of U.S.-flagged vessels in international commerce is 80; China has 5,500

The following is an excerpt from a press release issued December 19 by Senator Mark Kelly. American Maritime Officers fully endorses the SHIPS for American Act.

Today, Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Senator Todd Young (R-IN), Representative John Garamendi (D-CA-8), and Representative Trent Kelly (R-MS-1) introduced the Shipbuilding and Harbor Infrastructure for Prosperity and Security (SHIPS) for America Act, comprehensive legislation to revitalize the United States shipbuilding and commercial maritime industries. After decades of neglect, the United States has a weakened shipbuilding capacity, a declining commercial shipping fleet that is dwarfed by China, and a diminished ability to supply the U.S. military during wartime.

This historic bipartisan proposal would restore American leadership across the oceans by establishing national oversight and consistent funding for U.S. maritime policy, incentivizing domestic shipbuilding, enabling U.S.-flagged vessels to better compete in international commerce, rebuilding the U.S. shipyard industrial base, and expanding the mariner and shipyard workforce.

“We’ve always been a maritime nation, but the truth is we’ve lost ground to China, who now dominates international shipping and can build merchant and military ships much more quickly than we can,” said Sen. Kelly, a U.S. Navy veteran and the first U.S Merchant Marine Academy graduate to serve in Congress. “The SHIPS for America Act is the answer to this challenge. By supporting shipbuilding, shipping, and workforce development, it will strengthen supply chains, reduce our reliance on foreign vessels, put Americans to work in good-paying jobs, and support the Navy and Coast Guard’s shipbuilding needs. I’m excited to introduce this comprehensive, fully paid for legislation today alongside my Republican and Democratic colleagues and our partners representing all parts of the industry, and together we’re going to work to get this effort across the finish line.”

“America has been a maritime nation since our founding, and seapower was a significant contributor to our rise to being the most powerful nation on earth. Unfortunately, the bottom line now is America needs more ships. Shipbuilding is a national security priority and a stopgap against foreign threats and coercion. Our bill will revitalize the U.S. maritime industry, grow our shipbuilding capacity, rebuild America’s shipyard industrial base, and support nationwide workforce development in this industry. This legislation is critical to our warfighting capabilities and keeping pace with China,” said Sen. Young.

“For far too long, the United States neglected our maritime industries and the critical role they play in our national and economic security – this ends with the SHIPS for America Act. I have spent over ten years working to revitalize the U.S. maritime industry in order to strengthen our national economy, create good-paying American jobs, and support our national security during peacetime or war. This bill represents the most substantial and comprehensive approach to have America compete and lead globally, and I’m proud to lead it alongside Senator Kelly, Senator Young, and Representative Kelly. Today, less than 200 oceangoing ships fly the American flag, the SHIPS for America Act will empower our shipyards and marine merchants to uphold our country’s status as a leader in the maritime industry,” said Rep. Garamendi.

“Strengthening America’s shipbuilding capacity and revitalizing our commercial maritime industry is critical to both our national security and economic resilience. I look forward to continuing to work alongside Senator Mark Kelly, Senator Todd Young, and Congressman John Garamendi to secure our nation’s maritime future,” said Rep. Kelly.


The SHIPS for America Act would:
* Coordinate U.S. maritime policy by establishing the position of Maritime Security Advisor within the White House, who would lead an interagency Maritime Security Board tasked with making whole-of-government strategic decisions for how to implement a National Maritime Strategy. The bill also establishes a Maritime Security Trust Fund that would reinvest duties and fees paid by the maritime industry into maritime security programs and infrastructure supporting maritime commerce.

* Establish a national goal of expanding the U.S.-flag international fleet by 250 ships in 10 years by creating the Strategic Commercial Fleet Program, which would facilitate the development of a fleet of commercially operated, U.S.-flagged, American crewed, and domestically built merchant vessels that can operate competitively in international commerce.

* Enhance the competitiveness of U.S.-flagged vessels in international commerce by establishing a Rulemaking Committee on Commercial Maritime Regulations and Standards to cut through the U.S. Coast Guard’s bureaucracy and red tape that limits the international competitiveness of U.S.-flagged vessels, requiring that government-funded cargo move aboard U.S.-flag vessels, and requiring a portion of commercial goods imported from China to move aboard U.S.-flag vessels starting in 2029.

* Expand the U.S. shipyard industrial base, for both military and commercial oceangoing vessels, by establishing a 25 percent investment tax credit for shipyard investments, transforming the Title XI Federal Ship Financing Program into a revolving fund, and establishing a Shipbuilding Financial Incentives program to support innovative approaches to domestic ship building and ship repair.

* Accelerate U.S. leadership in next-generation ship design, manufacturing processes, and ship energy systems by establishing the U.S. Center for Maritime Innovation, which would create regional hubs across the country.

* Make historic investments in maritime workforce by establishing a Maritime and Shipbuilding Recruiting Campaign, allowing mariners to retain their credentials through a newly established Merchant Marine Career Retention Program, investing in long-overdue infrastructure needs for the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, and supporting State Maritime Academies and Centers for Excellence for Domestic Maritime Workforce Training and Education. The bill also makes long-overdue changes to streamline and modernize the U.S. Coast Guard’s Merchant Mariner Credentialing system.

See a section by section of the bill here. See text of the bill here.

The following organizations have endorsed the SHIPS for America Act: Shipbuilders Council of America, American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association, American Association of Port Authorities, National Defense Transportation Association, American Maritime Partnership, USA Maritime, American Maritime Congress, American Waterway Operators, National Association of Waterfront Employers, Marine Machinery Association, American Iron and Steel Institute, American Compass, Maritime Accelerator of Resilience, Maritime Institute for Research and Industrial Development, New American Industrial Alliance, Consortium of State Maritime Academies, Philly Shipyard, General Dynamics NASSCO, Govini, U.S. Marine Management LLC, Pasha Hawaii, Ocean Shipholdings, American President Lines, Tote Inc., Saltchuk Marine, TMA Blue Tech Inc., Blue Water Autonomy, Seafarers International, American Maritime Officers, United Steelworkers, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, the AFL-CIO Metal Trades Department, the AFL-CIO Maritime Trades Department, International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, California State University Maritime Academy, Maine Maritime Academy, Small Shipyard Grant Coalition, Alliance for American Manufacturing, Offshore Marine Services Association, Chamber of Shipping of America, AFL-CIO, International Propeller Club, Ports America, Transportation Institute, Navy League of the United States, Oceantic Network, American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association, Inc., USMMA Alumni Association, OPA 90 Forum, Blue Sky Maritime Coalition, Crowley, American Roll-On Roll-Off Carrier, Maersk Line Limited, Farrell Lines, Matson, Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc., Waterman Logistics, Fairwater, U.S. Ocean Inc., LS GreenLink USA, Inc., International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots, Sailors’ Union of the Pacific, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, the AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department, RBC Logistics, Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association, American Maritime Officers Service, Great Lakes Maritime Academy, Texas A&M Maritime Academy, San Jacinto College, Senesco Marine, Patriot Maritime, Tri-Tec Manufacturing, LLC, Hapag-Lloyd USA, LLC, Liberty Maritime, Northeast Maritime Institute, Massachusetts Maritime Academy.

See what maritime leaders and stakeholders are saying about the SHIPS for America Act:

“The carriers, unions and associations belonging to the USA Maritime Coalition strongly support the SHIPS for America Act. This comprehensive maritime policy initiative will ensure our country has the U.S.-flag shipping capability and the American mariners needed to both support the foreign policy and national security objectives of the Department of Defense and to enhance and protect our nation’s economic security by increasing the carriage of America’s foreign trade on U.S.-flag commercial vessels,” said R. Christian Johnsen, Chair, USA Maritime.

“The Navy League applauds the introduction of the SHIPS for America Act, a landmark legislative achievement that will comprehensively meet the needs of the U.S. merchant marine and bolster our shipbuilding industrial base. In today’s global threat environment, arguably the most perilous since the end of the Cold War, the United States must not only maintain the finest Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard on the seas, but also ensure a robust U.S.-flag merchant marine and a resilient shipbuilding industrial base. These elements are crucial for safeguarding our national and economic security in the event of large-scale military conflict. The SHIPS for America Act addresses these vital considerations and reaffirms that America is, and always will be, a maritime nation,” said Mike Stevens, CEO, Navy League.

“The Shipbuilders Council of America commends Senators Kelly and Young and Representative Garamendi, and Representative Kelly for their leadership in advancing the SHIPS for America Act. This legislation represents a significant step forward in strengthening the nation’s shipyard industrial base and establishing a comprehensive national maritime strategy. We are encouraged by its focus on bolstering American shipbuilding and ensuring a robust maritime sector capable of supporting our nation’s economic and national security. SCA is committed to continuing its engagement with these Congressional members and staff to refine and enhance the legislation, especially to better support our domestic ship repair industry, and we look forward to collaborating with policymakers to ensure the success of initiatives that secure the future of America’s shipyard industrial base and maritime workforce,” said Matthew Paxton, President, Shipbuilders Council of America.

“It is time to reclaim our maritime heritage and pursue an ambitious campaign to secure and strengthen our maritime supply chains. I commend the bipartisan and bicameral efforts culminating in the SHIPS for America Act. I strongly support passage of the Act, and as an FMC Commissioner, I will do all that I can to support a winning maritime strategy exercising maritime state craft. The world is trade dependent, and trade is dependent on the movement of ocean cargo. Let us get to work to keep it moving,” said Max Vekich, FMC Commissioner.

“On behalf of the National Association of Waterfront Employers (NAWE), I write to express my Association’s support for your proposed legislation, the SHIPS for America Act. NAWE is a non-profit trade association whose member companies are privately-owned marine terminal operators (MTOs), stevedores, and other U.S. waterfront employers and terminal service industries. In particular, we would like to thank and commend Senators Kelly and Young and Congressmen Garamendi and Kelly for including Section 505 of the SHIPS Act, which will help terminal operators to finance the terminal equipment necessary to help sustain the nation’s supply chain. We recognize that the SHIPS for America Act is a comprehensive set of legislative recommendations aimed to strengthen the nation’s entire maritime industrial base and look forward to engaging with the next Congress to support passage of this vital legislation,” said Carl Bentzel, President, National Association of Waterfront Employers (NAWE).

“The American Maritime Partnership (AMP) applauds the sponsors of the SHIPS for America Act for their focus on the maritime needs of our nation, as AMP believes it is very important for there to be a robust national maritime strategy that promotes the economic, national and homeland security of the nation. We appreciate that the legislation builds on the strong foundation of the Jones Act to further strengthen and revitalize the U.S.-flag maritime industry. We are and will always be a maritime nation and we must never forget the importance of American maritime for our security and prosperity,” said Jennifer Carpenter, President, American Maritime Partnership.

“Transportation Institute is proud to support the SHIPS for America Act. As America enters an era of increased global competition, it is the right time to make significant investments in our U.S.-flagged merchant marine. As we’ve learned throughout history, the U.S.-flag merchant marine can be depended upon by the United States military for assured access to sealift, and trusted by the American people for the secure and reliable movement of goods. This trailblazing legislation will make America an even stronger maritime nation for future generations. We are grateful for the leadership of Senator Kelly, Congressman Garamendi, Senator Young, and Congressman Kelly in recognizing the importance of a robust U.S.-flag maritime industry,” said James L. Henry, President and Chair, Transportation Institute.

“America has been a maritime nation throughout our history. We have been less focused on that element of America’s success more recently. The bi-partisan SHIPS for America Act takes many great ideas and organizes them into the whole-of-government effort needed to address a multitude of issues. No one individual or organization can achieve prosperity and security for the American people, but by working together, and with the proposed resourcing, we will accomplish the tasks set before us by this legislation and reach these goals,” said Roger Camp, President and CEO, American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association.

“Thousands of USW members currently contribute to the shipbuilding industry, providing countless products across the supply chain ranging from steel to valves to coatings. Revitalizing our nation’s capacity to build commercial ships will create thousands more good, community-sustaining jobs, and it will help make us safer and more resilient as we break our dangerous dependence on foreign-made vessels. The USW commends Sens. Kelly and Young and Reps. Garamendi and Kelly for their work on the bipartisan SHIPS for America Act and their commitment to reinvesting in American shipbuilding,” said David McCall, President, United Steelworkers (USW).

“The Seafarers International Union wholeheartedly supports the SHIPS for America Act, an extraordinary piece of legislation that stands to revitalize, strengthen and sustain our nation’s maritime industry. The SHIPS for America Act addresses critical gaps in shipbuilding, maritime workforce development, and the modernization of our commercial fleet. It is a bold step toward ensuring that the United States maintains a robust and competitive maritime presence, which is essential for both economic and national security. In my 51 years of working in this industry, I have not seen any legislation as comprehensive and impactful as the SHIPS for America Act. I urge labor and industry to join us in supporting this long-overdue bill, as it not only honors the legacy of our maritime industry but also paves the way for its future growth and sustainability,” said David Heindel, President, Seafarers International Union.

“In any conflict with China, the outcome will hinge on our ability to project power across the Pacific via military sealift. The vast majority of the USN Strategic Sealift Officers are service-obligated graduates of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. We are deeply grateful to the sponsors of the SHIPS for America Act for recognizing that the USMMA campus at Kings Point, NY, built in the 1940s, urgently requires modernization to meet the demands of today’s national security threats,” said Captain James F. Tobin ’77, President/CEO, USMMA Alumni Association and Foundation.

“The SHIPS for America Act recognizes the important role that a strong American maritime industry plays in our country’s national, homeland and economic security. We applaud Sen. Kelly and Rep. Kelly for their commitment to American maritime and we look forward to continuing to work with them in the 119th Congress on this important legislation. This legislation is particularly important to State Maritime Academies, which produce approximately 70% of the newly licensed (unlimited) commercial maritime officers each year,” said the Consortium of State Maritime Academies.

“The International Propeller Club is a steadfast advocate for the SHIPS for America Act. Our nation’s maritime industry is at a critical crossroads. This comprehensive maritime policy initiative will protect and enhance foreign policy, national security, and economic prosperity through increased U.S.- flag shipping capability and a revitalization of the domestic shipbuilding industry,” said Maria Conatser, International President, International Propeller Club.

“Senator Kelly and Congressman Garamendi, Senator Young and Congressman Kelly deserve recognition for their work on this legislation and appreciation for their leadership on this issue. This is the first comprehensive maritime policy legislation in many years, and it offers tangible assistance to all sectors of the maritime industry with the goal of expanding the U.S. Flag Ocean-going fleet. If enacted, the legislation would support major recapitalization of the shipbuilding infrastructure in the United States and provide substantial incentives for the purchase of U.S.-built vessels. It would have a long-term positive impact on Philly Shipyard and other shipbuilders in the United States,” said Philly Shipyard, Inc.

“Shipbuilding is the quintessential example of an industry vital to our national security that we lost to globalization — not because other countries have some magical ‘comparative advantage’ but because they cared about it and we did not. Thankfully, more thoughtful leaders are finally taking the necessary steps to reverse this damage. The SHIPS for America Act is the kind of industrial policy we need to embrace, not only for our national security, but also to drive domestic investment, innovation, and growth,” said Oren Cass, Founder and Chief Economist, American Compass.

“The SHIPS for America Act is a transformative piece of legislation that will bolster the United States’ commercial competitiveness and military readiness on the high seas. Not only will this bipartisan bill protect existing jobs in maritime and allied trades, but it will lead to a renaissance of the American maritime workforce. The Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO offers our full support of this legislation,” said Mark A. Clements, Jr., Executive Secretary Treasurer of the Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO.

See a full list of endorsing statements from maritime leaders and stakeholders here.


The Coast Guard has issued a final rule updating the accepted required payment method for mariner credentialing fees, removing the requirement for prospective mariners to take an oath before an authorized official, and changing the format requirements for certificates of discharge.

The Coast Guard is working to replace the Merchant Mariner Licensing and Documentation database used by the National Maritime Center (NMC) to issue merchant mariner credentials (MMCs). The more technologically advanced, user-friendly system, called Coast Guard Navita, will reduce risk and improve customer service to mariners and the maritime industry. This final rule streamlines current credentialing requirements and supports the future implementation of Navita by allowing for modern information submission processes and payment procedures.

For more information, the final rule is available on the Federal Register or by searching on www.regulations.gov under Docket Number USCG-2021-0834.

The NMC will provide additional information on the NMC website for the implementation of the requirement to pay merchant mariner credentialing fees using Pay.gov, the removal of the requirement for prospective mariners to take an oath before an authorized official while completing MMC applications (Form CG-719B), and the format changes for certificates of discharge. Please check back on the NMC website for these updates.

Specific questions on mariner applications or credentialing procedures may be directed to the NMC Customer Service Center, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., at 1 (888) 427-5662, via , or through the NMC Chat.


Mayte Medina
Chief, Office of Merchant Mariner Credentialing

American Maritime Officers members working aboard M/T Badlands Trader in November here in Korea included Captain Thua Pham, Chief Mate Cullen Bozza, Second Mate John Dufrene, Third Mate Nathan Chretien, Third Mate Thomas Doherty, Chief Engineer Marc Salerno, First Assistant Engineer Alexander Ruddy, Second A.E. Mahlon Glidden and Third A.E. Kevin Doty.

The Badlands Trader, which is owned by U.S. Marine Management LLC and is a part of the Tanker Security Program, is manned in all licensed positions by AMO.


The United States Navy’s Military Sealift Command and Ocean Ships Inc. have entered into an agreement to man the latest expeditionary sea base, USS Robert E. Simanek (ESB 7) bringing more new jobs to members of American Maritime Officers.

The USS Simanek was delivered to the Navy in September and recently left General Dynamics NASSCO’s shipyard in San Diego for its new home berth. ESBs are optimized to support a variety of maritime based missions, including Special Operations Forces, Airborne Mine Counter Measures, Crisis Response Force Sea Basing, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance and Unmanned Aviation Systems. The ESBs, which include a four spot V-22 sized flight deck, mission deck and hangar, are designed around four core capabilities: aviation facilities, berthing, equipment staging support, and command and control assets.

The ship is named for Private First Class Robert Ernest Simanek, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for shielding fellow Marines from a grenade at the Battle of Bunker Hill during the Korean War.

The two original ships in the class were built in 2012 and called mobile landing platforms – the John Glenn and Montford Point. Both ships are currently manned by AMO. The Navy reclassified the next five ships ESBs. The previous four ESBs are manned by a combination of enlisted military and contract civilian mariners, but as MSC recently revealed plans to lay up 17 vessels to address its manning shortage, the USS Simanek will be manned in all licensed positions for the foreseeable future by AMO. A sixth ESB, the USS Hector A. Cafferata Jr. (ESB 8) is currently under construction at NASSCO shipyard in California.

“American Maritime Officers is proud to work with our partner, Ocean Ships Inc. on this important assignment. Our officers are well trained and suited to carry out this task,” AMO National President Willie Barrere said. “We look forward to continuing our relationship and assistance with Military Sealift Command and the U.S. Navy in the future.”

M/V Endurance to Remain in American Fleet

The following press release was issued by American Roll-On Roll-Off Carrier Group on December 4. American Maritime Officers represents all licensed positions on the M/V ARC Endeavor and the M/V Endurance.

American Roll-On Roll-Off Carrier Group Inc. (ARC) is pleased to announce that M/V ARC Endeavor entered the Maritime Security Program (MSP) fleet on December 1, further strengthening ARC’s best-in-class position for U.S.-flag Roll-on Roll-off (Ro-Ro) shipping services.

M/V ARC Endeavor replaces ARC’s M/V Endurance in the MSP fleet. MSP is the bedrock Congressional maritime readiness program that since 1996 maintains a modern, active fleet of 60 U.S.-flag, privately-owned ships available to provide sealift capacity and support to the military and other federal agencies in times of need, such as war or national emergencies. In addition, MSP gives the U.S. Government access to global commercial intermodal systems that would cost it billions to replicate. For example, since 2009, U.S.-flag commercial vessels transported more than 90 percent of the sustainment cargo needed to support U.S. military operations and rebuilding programs in Iraq and Afghanistan. Without this fleet, the U.S. military’s ability to deploy and sustain forces worldwide would be significantly compromised.

“Through our valued partnership with ARC and the U.S. military, the addition of the M/V ARC Endeavor to the MSP program under U.S. registry underscores our shared commitment to strengthening the U.S.-flag fleet and supporting national defense,” said Dave Heindel, Seafarers International Union President. “Together, we continue to enhance readiness and ensure reliable maritime capabilities for our nation.”

M/V ARC Endeavor was reflagged to the American registry on September 27 as the tenth U.S.-flag Ro-Ro vessel in ARC’s fleet. M/V ARC Endeavor is the company’s fifth U.S.-flag Large Car Truck Carrier (LCTC). The vessel measures 754 feet (229.99 meters) in length with a 21-foot (6.50 meters) high stern opening and a stern ramp rated for cargo weighing up to 320 tons. Regarding car-equivalent units, the ARC Endeavor can carry over 7,500 vehicles at once.

M/V Endurance will remain in the U.S.-flag fleet, continuing service to the military and employment opportunities for American mariners. M/V Endurance is the largest and most militarily useful, multi-purpose Ro-Ro ship in the U.S.-flag commercial fleet. She is a unique Ro-Ro vessel with no sister ships and is among the largest Ro-Ro vessels in the world at 860 feet in length with a stern ramp rated at 320 tons. Endurance has nine decks that can be configured to carry over 260,000 square feet of high and heavy cargo such as CH-47s, MRAPs, M-ATVs, tracked vehicles, construction equipment and generators; 130,000 square feet of additional high-side vehicles space; and space for approximately 200 containers. ARC remains the operator of nine Ro-Ro vessels in the MSP fleet, and by retaining Endurance, the company will operate ten U.S.-flag ships overall.

About ARC

ARC provides Government services, including global logistics and shipping services. ARC and its U.S. affiliates own and manage the largest U.S.-flag Ro-Ro fleet. This includes providing American-owned, managed, and crewed Ro-Ro shipping and intermodal services committed to the requirements of the Department of Defense, other U.S. Government departments and agencies, and commercial customers.


The following press release was issued by the National Weather Service.

Please join us next week for a pair of webinars on Forecast Products and Services provided by the National Weather Service’s Ocean Prediction Center and Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch. The webinars will be held Thursday, December 12th, and Friday, December 13th, at 1pm EDT.

For Atlantic forecasts N of 31N (30N in the Eastern Pacific):

Please register for Blue Water Mariners – OPC Products and Services on Dec 12, 2024 1:00 PM EST at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6899628322383892311

For S of 31N / 30N:

Please register for Blue Water Mariners – TAFB Products and Services on Dec 13, 2024 1:00 PM EST at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6374980956027722073

Looking forward to your attendance!

Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch
National Hurricane Center
National Weather Service
Miami, Florida, USA

The following press release was issued by the United States Coast Guard on December 2.

The Deck and Engine Guide for the Administration of Merchant Marine Examinations – August 2014 only allows mariners to use a non-programmable calculator when taking a Coast Guard-administered credentialing examination. Significant technological advancements make it difficult to find non-programmable calculators that have the necessary scientific functions required, particularly for deck officer examinations. Coast Guard personnel find it challenging to identify these calculators.

When testing at a Regional Examination Center (REC), the Coast Guard will permit mariners use of programmable calculators with memory capability. However, all calculators must have their programs and memories cleared before entering the examination room. Mariners must bring the original or a reproduction of the manufacturer’s instruction manual, or portion(s) thereof, which includes directions for clearing all programs and memory, and be prepared to demonstrate doing so for the examiner. If Coast Guard personnel cannot confirm all programs and memory have been cleared, the calculator will not be allowed and a TI-30XIIS scientific calculator will be provided. You can review the TI-30XIIS operating manual at TI-30X IIS Reference Guidebook.

Only one calculator is allowed per mariner in the examination room. If a mariner wishes to bring an additional calculator as a backup, it must remain outside the examination room until needed. If the backup is different from the primary, the applicant must provide the manufacturer’s instructions and clear all programs and memory before use.

Other electronic devices, including smart watches, are not allowed in the examination room. Policy documents and the National Maritime Center website will be updated to include this guidance at next review.

Calculators for testing not conducted at an REC will be addressed in individual Traveling Examination Team Plans.

Questions, concerns, or feedback should be addressed to the NMC Customer Service Center by
or calling 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662).


Bradley W. Clare
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard
Commanding Officer

At a recent meeting of the AMO Executive Board at the end of October, the board agreed that it was in the best interest of the union moving forward to raise dues at four percent. This was announced at the November 6 union membership meeting at AMO headquarters with more than 45 members in attendance. The dues increase, effective January 1, amounts to less than $80 per year ($20 more per quarter) and brings captains and chief engineers to a dues rate of $2,000 per year (see table below).

While the dues increase is incremental, the Executive Board believes the added revenue will go a long way in expanding the services provided by the union to every member. We are the largest union of United States Coast Guard-licensed officers and have by far the lowest dues rates. And as our job base expands, with new companies continuously approaching AMO about manning their fleets, the services our members require must also be enhanced.

For years, the union has been understaffed while previous administrations took a bare-bones approach to member services. Penny-pinching sounds great as political rhetoric, but it does little to improve a modernizing and growing union. Some of the goals of the Executive Board going into next year include strategically adding new union staff and representatives to visit more ships and address AMO members needs as they are onboard doing their jobs as professionally as possible. One of our biggest initiatives has been expanding our recruiting efforts to increase membership to ensure AMO members will have a relief when they need it. Enhancing our technology at the union to make it easier to upload documents, apply for jobs and communicate with your representation and other members is another dedicated area we plan to make strides in 2025.

These are just a few examples of how the AMO Executive Board plans on making your money work better for you – the AMO member. As we expand our membership and our fleet, we will need to keep up. AMO is going to get bigger and better for our membership.

As always, we value your feedback. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or comments.

Have a blessed holiday season,

Captain Willie Barrere
AMO National President

New Dues Rates Starting January 1, 2025:

Captain/CE    $500 per quarter    $2,000 per year
*1AE/CM          $475                           $1,900
**2AE/2M        $450                           $1,800
***3AE/3M      $425                           $1,700

*Includes Electronics Officers, Electro-Technical Officers (ETOs)
** Includes Radio Officers
*** Includes Great Lakes Stewards

Furthermore, Electronics Officers, ETOs and Great Lakes Stewards who do not achieve 200 days of covered employment in a calendar year shall pay the non-sailing dues rate of $122 per Quarter or $488 per year.

Over the weekend, the United States Navy successfully fended off Houthi attacks of three U.S. flagged vessels being escorted through the Gulf of Aden, U.S. Central Command reported in a press release December 1.

The Stena Impeccable, Maersk Saratoga and the Liberty Grace – each crewed in all licensed positions by American Maritime Officers members – all safely arrived into port after the Navy shot down a half dozen munitions over the course of two days.

According to USCENTCOM, two Navy destroyers successfully engaged and defeated three anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBMs), three one-way attack uncrewed aerial systems (OWA UAS), and one anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM), ensuring the safety of the ships and their personnel, as well as civilian vessels and their crews.

The involved AMO-contracted operating companies and AMO officials are in contact with the officers on board, and all are safe as they continue with their missions.

“Bravo Zulu to our U.S. Navy for successfully defending our vessels while AMO officers and crews continue to do what U.S. Merchant Mariners have always done – carry out our mission in support of our national forces worldwide no matter what the conditions,” said AMO National President Willie Barrere. “Thank you to the AMO officers and SIU crew on board for your service to our nation.”