A website through which American Maritime Officers members and applicants can purchase a wide variety of AMO logo-wear was launched in 2024. An “Apparel & More” link is available on the AMO home page at the top of the page in full-screen view and in the mobile menu when viewed on a phone. The apparel store can be accessed directly at:
AMO does not and cannot profit from the apparel store website. The website access and setup was free to the union. All AMO members and applicants are encouraged to have a look.
The apparel website is desktop, tablet and phone friendly. Not all items available are shown on the home page. You can click on “Products” and select “View All Products” to see a full selection of options available. Items range from work, leisure, and professional gear to luggage, hats, and travel accessories. The website will maintain many staple items, but the selection of other options may vary depending on factors such as the season.
When choosing a “decoration” (AMO logo option) for each item when applicable, a drop-down menu is provided on the individual item page. Please note that as you toggle through the options on the drop-down menu, the image will not change to reflect your selection. To view all decoration options, please scroll through the home page as each option is displayed on various items there.
As you click on each item, you will notice an Item Number/Code under the bold title name. At the end of this code you will notice a “HP” or an “E.” This will signify if the decoration on that particular item is Heat Pressed or Embroidered.
Items in the “Pro Shop” category do not show any logos in the pictures. However, they will include the AMO logo and the item code will tell you the same information as above.
Please note that in most cases the prices are above retail. This is so that the company can acquire, customize, and quickly ship each item on an individual basis, thus getting to its destination faster.
Most companies require a minimum order of each item before being able to acquire and customize, leading to immense shipping delays and/or the need for multiple shipments. The “one off” method we’ve chosen also eliminates the need for over-ordering and paying storage fees of stocked items.
Shipping is only available within the United States. However, if you need to ship overseas, please contact . Please make the email subject line: AMO Swag Site-Overseas Shipping.