testAuthor: todd

A website through which American Maritime Officers members and applicants can purchase a wide variety of AMO logo-wear was launched in 2024. An “Apparel & More” link is available on the AMO home page at the top of the page in full-screen view and in the mobile menu when viewed on a phone. The apparel store can be accessed directly at:


AMO does not and cannot profit from the apparel store website. The website access and setup was free to the union. All AMO members and applicants are encouraged to have a look.

The apparel website is desktop, tablet and phone friendly. Not all items available are shown on the home page. You can click on “Products” and select “View All Products” to see a full selection of options available. Items range from work, leisure, and professional gear to luggage, hats, and travel accessories. The website will maintain many staple items, but the selection of other options may vary depending on factors such as the season.

When choosing a “decoration” (AMO logo option) for each item when applicable, a drop-down menu is provided on the individual item page. Please note that as you toggle through the options on the drop-down menu, the image will not change to reflect your selection. To view all decoration options, please scroll through the home page as each option is displayed on various items there.

As you click on each item, you will notice an Item Number/Code under the bold title name. At the end of this code you will notice a “HP” or an “E.” This will signify if the decoration on that particular item is Heat Pressed or Embroidered.

Items in the “Pro Shop” category do not show any logos in the pictures. However, they will include the AMO logo and the item code will tell you the same information as above.

Please note that in most cases the prices are above retail. This is so that the company can acquire, customize, and quickly ship each item on an individual basis, thus getting to its destination faster.

Most companies require a minimum order of each item before being able to acquire and customize, leading to immense shipping delays and/or the need for multiple shipments. The “one off” method we’ve chosen also eliminates the need for over-ordering and paying storage fees of stocked items.

Shipping is only available within the United States. However, if you need to ship overseas, please contact . Please make the email subject line: AMO Swag Site-Overseas Shipping.

CareFirst Will Continue to Cover Dental Services with In-Network Providers

In order to expedite reimbursement of out-of-network dental claims for members of American Maritime Officers and their families, AMO Plans has officially reverted to the claims process used prior to January 2024. All AMO Plans participants should pay out-of-network dental providers directly for service and submit claims for out-of-network dental service directly to AMO Plans. CareFirst will no longer be processing out-of-network dental reimbursements.

CareFirst will continue to provide direct coverage for AMO Plans participants for in-network dental services, as they have been since January 2024. For AMO members utilizing in-network dental providers, the transition to CareFirst has proved beneficial. Members have experienced significant cost savings and have been able to take advantage of CareFirst’s negotiated discounts at the time of service. Another convenience for in-network dental service is the elimination of the process of filing reimbursement forms.

CareFirst was responsible for administering reimbursements for all out-of-network claims and many AMO members reported long delays in receiving reimbursements. Despite multiple meetings and advisory sessions between AMO Plans and CareFirst over several months, the processing of out-of-network dental claims did not improve significantly. As a result, the Medical Plan Trustees have returned to the previous process for out-of-network dental claim reimbursement.

This change is currently in effect. All participants should verify if their provider is participating (by using the link below). If you continue to utilize an out-of-network provider please follow the instructions below.

For out-of-network dental care, AMO Plans participants will need to pay the provider directly, fill out an Application for Benefits form and submit it along with the provider’s receipt or invoice for services. Additionally, proof of payment, such as a credit card receipt, should be included with the claim to ensure timely processing by AMO Plans. The invoice or receipt submitted with the Application for Benefits form must show that the invoice was paid by the AMO Plans participant.

The entire process can be completed on the AMO Plans website. The Application for Benefits form can be filled out, saved, and uploaded online, and images of receipts and invoices can also be uploaded to complete a claim. Please select the “MY BENEFITS – SECURE SITE” link on the AMO Plans website. Participants with any questions can contact the Medical Plan office at (800) 348-6515 extension 12.

While the transition to CareFirst has brought significant benefits for participants using in-network providers, the challenges faced by those seeking out-of-network care highlighted the importance of continuously assessing and adjusting plan administration. The feedback from members has been instrumental in shaping these changes, and AMO Plans is dedicated to providing quality service and support.

Some participants have reported difficulties with finding in-network dental care providers for use with CareFirst in their areas or the lack of availability of in-network dental care providers in their areas. To locate an in-network dental provider in your immediate area, or to determine if one is available, use the link below.

On the CareFirst search page, enter your city and state or zip code. When the “Select a Network” menu is presented, select “BlueDental” from the options menu. You will be asked questions about the type of care you are seeking. Should you need additional assistance locating a provider, please contact the Medical Plan office at (800) 348-6515 extension 12.




The crew of the M/T Shenandoah Trader recently completed a scheduled shipyard period and is currently on a 150-day charter with Military Sealift Command. American Maritime Officers members working aboard the tanker, seen here in Piraeus, Greece, included Chief Mate James Very, Chief Mate Peter Maes, Captain Connor Willcox, Second Mate Brian Roberts, First Assistant Engineer Max Neubelt, Second Mate Gretel Williams, Third A.E. John Williams, Second A.E. Charles Bragg and Chief Engineer Raymond Halsted. AMO represents all licensed officers onboard the USMMI tanker.

The minutes for the regular monthly American Maritime Officers membership meeting held October 2 at AMO Headquarters have been posted in the member section of the AMO website, which is accessible to active AMO members and applicants.

AMO members will need to click on the “MEMBER LOGIN” tab on the AMO website (LOGIN on mobile devices) and log into the member portal of the AMO website. Members and applicants using the updated AMO website for the first time will need to register a new account for the member portal, a link for which is featured on the MEMBER LOGIN page.

The master agreement between International Longshoremen’s Association and the U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX) is nearing expiration and it is expected ILA members will strike on October 1. A total of 36 ports on the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts would be affected.

The information currently available indicates government vessels and tankers are not supposed to be impacted. Details were under discussion at various meetings at all levels throughout the weekend. This is a dynamic situation, and as reliable information becomes available, we will provide updates for American Maritime Officers members and applicants.

AMO officers are instructed to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Never cross a picket line.
  • If you are ashore and separated from your vessel when a picket line is established, do not cross a picket line to return to your vessel.
  • If your vessel is in port when a picket line is established, or if you have any specific questions or reports of specific occurrences the union needs to address, please contact one of the AMO officials listed below.

Vessel operating companies have the ability to restrict you to the vessel. AMO will pursue restricted-to-vessel pay due to you in accordance with our agreements.

We are still in communication with our operating companies regarding how to conduct crew changes under various potential scenarios. We will provide additional guidance as this situation evolves.

Capt. Willie Barrere
National President
American Maritime Officers

The following statement was signed by the presidents of American Maritime Officers, the Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association, the Seafarers International Union and the International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots. The statement can be viewed on the AMO website.

The contract between the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) will expire at 0001 on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. The undersigned maritime unions are pledged to support the ILA to the fullest extent permitted under U.S. law and our collective bargaining agreements. We urge USMX to get back to the negotiating table with the ILA, and the Biden Administration to allow the negotiating process to continue without intervention. We stand in solidarity with our Sisters and Brothers of the ILA in their fight to achieve a fair contract.

According to Bloomberg Law, union contracts negotiated in 2023 provided workers with a national average of 6.6% in first-year wage increases, the highest average pay raise for any year since Bloomberg Law began tracking union wage settlements in 1988. When signing bonuses and other incentive payments were added to the calculations, the national average for first-year wage increases in 2023 was 7.3%, also a record high, according to Bloomberg Law’s latest Quarterly Union Wage Data report.

For American Maritime Officers members, the average first-year increase for deep-sea commercial contracts negotiated so far in 2023 and 2024 is 17.5%. The AMO average for first-year pay increases exceeds the national average of 7.3% published by Bloomberg Law by 10.2%.

AMO deep-sea commercial contracts negotiated in 2023 and 2024 provide total average pay increases of 26.4% over the life of an agreement. The total average pay increases over the life of an agreement based upon the length of the agreement are as follows:

  • 18.42% average for one-year agreements
  • 30.43% average for two-year agreements (over the life of an agreement)
  • 22.40% average for three-year agreements (over the life of an agreement)
  • 38.60% average for five-year agreements (over the life of an agreement)

For AMO inland waters (tug) contracts negotiated in 2023 and 2024, the average first-year pay increase is 12%, exceeding the national average by 4.7%.

Only one Great Lakes contract has been negotiated so far in 2024. This contract with a tug-barge operating company provides an average first-year pay increase of 10%, exceeding the national average by 2.7%.

AMO’s averages are calculated based on wage and vacation pay increases. The averages above do not include many other contractual gains, such as additional turnover pay resulting from shorter rotations, pay for physicals and training, or other similar items that result in dollars on a member’s W-2 at the end of the year.

There are many additional improvements, which vary from contract to contract. All of these increases add to the total labor cost we negotiate with the company and can include such things as door-to-door travel expenses, better airline tickets, and increased 401(k) matching contributions.

The Bloomberg Law report is available online.

Danny Robichaux
National Executive Vice President

Access information for reviewing proposed amendments to the AMO National Constitution and casting an online vote was sent by email by TrueBallot to American Maritime Officers members and applicants over Labor Day weekend. On September 28, TrueBallot will send the same information again by email to all AMO members and applicants who have not yet voted in the referendum.

A copy of the AMO National Constitution detailing the proposed amendments in red and green type is available on the AMO website and on the TrueBallot landing page. Additionally, on September 5, a copy of the AMO National Constitution detailing the proposed amendments in red type with strikethrough markings and bold green type was added to the TrueBallot landing page for the referendum and to the AMO website based upon a request. Both can be accessed on the AMO website.

If you did not receive the original email from TrueBallot in your “inbox,” please check your “spam” or “junk” email folder. If you have not voted and do not receive the follow-up email from TrueBallot in your “inbox” by the end of the day on September 28, please check your “spam” or “junk” email folder.

If you have not received an email at all from TrueBallot in your “inbox” or your “spam” or “junk” folder, .

In your message, please include your full name and book or applicant number, and a note that you did not receive a balloting email from TrueBallot. If possible, please send the email using the email account you have on file with AMO, which will be the same email address TrueBallot is using to contact you with voting access.

The online referendum will conclude September 30. Only votes cast by those who are AMO members in good standing at the conclusion of the referendum will be counted. All AMO members will need to have their dues paid in full through the current quarter prior to September 30 to establish good standing and for their ballots to be counted.

AMO members who are not sure if they are in good standing can contact National Secretary-Treasurer Bob Rice by text message at 954-295-6160 over the weekend prior to September 30, or call him at the same number, so their status can be checked in the AMO database.

It is expected the International Longshoremen’s Association will go on strike October 1, as has been widely reported. The strike would shut down five of the 10 busiest ports in the U.S., and a total of 36 ports along the East and Gulf Coasts.

American Maritime Officers will honor the ILA labor action in support of the ILA’s efforts to secure a new contract. AMO is instructing all members not to cross any ILA picket lines.

The company has the ability to restrict you to the vessel. If you are restricted to your vessel as a result of the strike, AMO will pursue any extra pay due to you in accordance with our agreements.

We are in contact with our companies and the other maritime unions. We are working with our OPCOs on how to implement crew changes should a strike take place. We will provide more information, as well as guidance on work rules and picket lines, as the strike deadline approaches.

Capt. Willie Barrere
National President
American Maritime Officers

Access information for reviewing proposed amendments to the AMO National Constitution and casting an online vote was sent by email by TrueBallot to American Maritime Officers members and applicants over Labor Day weekend. On September 10, TrueBallot sent the same information again by email to all AMO members and applicants who had not yet voted in the referendum.

A copy of the AMO National Constitution detailing the proposed amendments in red and green type is available on the AMO website and on the TrueBallot landing page. Additionally, on September 5, a copy of the AMO National Constitution detailing the proposed amendments in red type with strikethrough markings and bold green type was added to the TrueBallot landing page for the referendum and to the AMO website based upon a request.

If you did not receive the original email from TrueBallot in your “inbox,” please check your “spam” or “junk” email folder. If you have not voted and did not receive the follow-up email from TrueBallot in your “inbox” on September 10, please check your “spam” or “junk” email folder.

If you did not receive an email at all from TrueBallot in your “inbox” or your “spam” or “junk” folder, please .

In your message, please include your full name and book or applicant number, and a note that you did not receive a balloting email from TrueBallot. If possible, please send the email using the email account you have on file with AMO, which will be the same email address TrueBallot is using to contact you with voting access.

The online referendum will conclude September 30. Only votes cast by those who are AMO members in good standing at the conclusion of the referendum will be counted.

All AMO members will need to have their dues paid in full through the current quarter to establish good standing and for their ballots to be counted.

AMO applicants who wish to have their votes counted must establish status as members in good standing with the union prior to September 30, 2024.

For all who wish to have their vote counted in this referendum, it is highly recommended the requirements to establish status as an AMO member in good standing be completed as soon as possible and well in advance of September 30, 2024.